
For many years there have been 2 popular Joe and Charlies audio sets available to listen to online. Many of us have listened to them over and over again during our walk through recovery.

Our weekly podcast will highlights a weekend seminar from Joe and Charlie known as the ‘Big Book Seminar’, this session was recorded in Latrobe, PA in July of 1993. The recordings predate both the 2013 Big Book Comes Alive recordings and the 1998 Big Book Study recordings

Join us each week on the Big Book Living Alive podcast, we revisit some old friends and hear them in a fresh and new light.

Podcast launched: 11/1/22 &  New episodes will be available on Mondays.

Current Episodes:

1993 Latrobe Pa Version: 57 Episodes / approx 8.5 hours


Other versions of Joe & Charlie:

1988 Akron Oh Version: 40 episodes / Episodes run approx. 15 min each / total run time: approx 8.5 hours

1998 Laughlin Nv Version: 34 episodes /Episodes run approx. 15-25 min each / total run time: approx 8.5 hours

2002 Torrance Ca Version: 61 episodes / Episodes run approx. 10 min each / total run time: approx 8.5 hours