Episode #20 – Explaining the Solution

The solution is change. It’s working hard to see how we were and what we could be. This is the spiritual experience. Please read Appendix II. On page 569 the book explains the spiritual experience and spiritual awakening are how we find the solution; personality change.

Change can be fast, slow or still evolving, but it is how we change our outlook on life that allows us to control the obsession of the mind that quiets the disease of the body. This change will be personal and be different for each person.

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For many years there have been 2 popular Joe and Charlies audio sets available to listen to online. Many of us have listened to them over and over again during our walk thru recovery. Our new podcast will highlight a weekend seminar from Joe and Charlie known as the ‘Big Book Seminar’, The sessions used were recorded in Latrobe, PA in July of 1993. Join us each week on the Big Book Living Alive podcast, we revisit some old friends and hear them in a fresh and new light.

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