Episode #19 – The Types of Drinkers

The Types of Drinkers. Before we can apply the solution, we need to know who it applies to. This week Joe & Charlie discuss the types of drinkers. These are the people like us and not like us. ie: moderate v. hard drinkers

And then you have to look at small list of REAL alcoholics. This in not the complete list:

  • Lack of control
  • Jeykll & Hyde
  • Nice until he drinks
  • Gets drunk at the wrong time

These are types of drinkers that need a program of action to help. They cannot do it alone. We hope they can find the solution.

You May Also Like: ✓ New episodes of the Big Book Living Alive Joe & Charlie podcast every Monday @ 2pm est.

Website: https://bigbooklivingalive.com Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/bblivingalive For many years there have been 2 popular Joe and Charlies audio sets available to listen to online. Many of us have listened to them over and over again during our walk thru recovery. Our new podcast will highlight a weekend seminar from Joe and Charlie known as the ‘Big Book Seminar’, The sessions used were recorded in Latrobe, PA in July of 1993. Join us each week on the Big Book Living Alive podcast, we revisit some old friends and hear them in a fresh and new light.

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